Married with Separate Lives

After the children are gone, many couples no longer feel they are truly married. They look at their partner as if a stranger has suddenly taken over. Empty nest syndrome has caught more than one couple off guard. They suddenly realize they have only each other, and they must forge their relationship again. Some couples take a good look at each other and decide they would rather not go through the work of getting to know each other again. They also realize they don't want to be divorced. Older couples believe divorce labels them as failures with friends and family. They opt to stay married while living separate lives.

One of the main comforts provided by marriage is companionship. When a couple suddenly decides to live separate but married, companionship is a large gap that must be filled. Both partners may feel a lack of companionship, or only one. The need to be with someone who will listen and pay attention is important. An escort agency can help fill this gap. They provide escorts that are willing companions to those without a significant other. An escort will be an ear to listen to the small cares and woes of a lonely person.

There are many agencies willing to provide this type of service. There are also those that work outside of agencies such as an independent escort. They provide the same caring and professional service, but choose their own clients. They often work long hours for their customers and become familiar with them. They are not looking for a relationship, but provide many of the comforts of a marriage without any commitment.

There are many times when life forces people to make major adjustments. After the children leave the nest, this is a critical time in a couple's life. It is fortunate there are many more options today than ever before.